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Choose Photograph
Note: Please upload jpg,jpeg,png,gif image types only
Pan Card:

Note: Please upload jpg,jpeg,png,gif,pdf file types only
KYA Form

  1. Please upload doc, docx, pdf file types only
  2. It is mandatory to upload Know Your Author (KYA) form, otherwise your submission will be rejected. Click here to download KYA form format
  1. UserName: Enter the username. If the user name is already existing, then try entering the other username. The username should be minimum of 4 characters.
  2. First Name: Please Enter First Name. it should be the letter.
  3. Last Name: Enter the Last Name. it should be the letter.
  4. Email: Enter the valid email address.
  5. Password: In this field, enter the password, Confirm Password: Re-enter the same password to confirm.
  6. The password should be minimum of 6 characters, including 1 special character, 1 digit, and 1 Upper-case.
  7. Mobile Number: Enter the mobile number. The mobile number should be of 10 digits.
  8. Click Choose File next to Choose paragraph to browse and select the desired image file you would like to upload Note: You can only upload the image files that are in jpg, jpeg, png, and gif formats.
  9. After filling in the details, navigate to Additional Information tab (Optional) and provide the required information in the appropriate fields.
  10. Aadhar: Enter the valid Aadhar Number. The number should be of 12 digits.
  11. Awards/Certifications: Provide the certifications or prestigious awards that you have won for the authoring works.
  12. Field of Expertise: Enter your expertise in the authoring field.
  13. Profile (CV): Click Choose file to browse and select the CV to upload, Note: You can only upload the CV in doc, docx formats.
  14. Pan Card: Click Choose file to browse and upload the PAN card, Note: You can only upload the pan card in jpg, jpeg, png, pdf file formats.
  15. Previous Books: Enter the previous books that you have authored.
  16. DPD Books: Enter the DPD books that you have authored before.
  17. Experience: Enter the years of experience you have as an author.
  18. Select Category: Select your book category from the list.
  19. In Bank Details tab (Optional) , provide your account details in the designated fields.
  20. Note: You can skip from providing the bank details, but if you select the bank name and its branch, then it is mandatory to provide all your bank details.
  21. Select Bank Name: From the list, select the bank name in which you hold an account.
  22. Select Branch Name: From the list, select the Branch Name.
  23. Bank Account Number: Enter the Bank Account Number.
  24. Account Holder Name: Enter the Account holder’s name.
  25. IFSC Code: Enter the valid IFSC code of the respective bank branch.
  26. Tax Reg No: Provide the valid Tax registration number.
  27. Address detailss (Optional) Author should provide the address details in the respective fields .