
Process of Book Selection and Publishing


I.              Receipt of Manuscripts

The Division receives manuscripts directly from authors which are selected for publication following scrutiny on the basis of their suitability as per DPD’s mandate, quality of content, probable readership, sales prospects and other related aspects. Sometimes the Division also solicits manuscripts from eminent scholars and authors on a specific subject. Books already published in the past are also reprinted if they are out of stock. Attempt is made to revise and update the content as far as possible.


II.           Evaluation of manuscripts for publication


To begin with, the manuscripts/proposals received from authors are assigned to individual editorial officers of DPD for preliminary evaluation of the content and their suitability for publication. The concerned Editorial officers give their initial opinion regarding suitability or otherwise or any other comments with respect to the genre, content, language, author’s profile etc.


III.        Book Committee


These proposals are then placed before the Book Committee headed by Director (Editorial) and Deputy Directors, concerned editorial officers, representatives from business and production wings as members. If required, outside experts are also called for the meeting. After detailed discussions/deliberations recommendations are made to accept or reject the proposals on the basis of content, relevance, presentation, saleability etc. In certain cases, wherein the subject matter deals with a technical subject and views/comments of subject expert are required, the book-committee refers the proposal/manuscript for vetting/comments of an expert. After receiving the comment, the proposal/ manuscript is again taken up for discussion in the committee and final recommendations are made. The recommendations of the Book Committee are then put up for endorsement of Head of the Publications Division.


IV.        Designing and Printing

Designing of books is done by in-house designers in most cases. In books requiring high end designing outside printers are engaged as per the approved rate card.

Printing of books is done through private printers identified through tendering process from out of a list of empanelled printers.