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First published in 1894 and then republished several times, PaulCarus's 'Gospel of Buddha' (Buddhagatha) has attained the dignity of a classic today. This book is neither an attempt to popularize Buddhist literature nor to find solutions to historical problems. This book traces a religious leader from the distant past with a view to leaving a mark on our present and being instrumental in shaping our future. Much of its materials are taken from ancient Buddhist texts; Many passages, especially the most important ones, are translated as they are from the original text; Some have been loosely translated; Some have been recombined, and some have been abbreviated. Paul Carus with his simple and sensitive prose and Olga Kopetsky with her lively illustrations have expressed the poetic dignity of the Buddha's personality and the radiant consciousness of Buddhism. In the Hindi version of 'Buddha Gatha', keeping full attention to the spirit and flow of the original composition, efforts have been made to keep noun words and style in line with the original Buddhist sources as much as possible.